Actual delisting is still a few months away BUT Secretary Jewell could stop this now. Please pressure her to pull the plug on the delisting process so that it falls to the next administration. This is her last chance to have a positive impact on our wildlife.
TELEPHONE: (202) 208 7351 (direct)
"Please continue to protect the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear under the Endangered Species Act and ensure that they are not the subject of trophy hunting".
EMAIL: Send to Then, go to the Feedback Form. Subject should be "Keep Yellowstone Grizzly Protected" or similar. Text is as follows or in your own words:
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears are threatened due to climate change which in turn has decimated their food sources. Fewer key foods available means that these bears range farther looking for food, and invariably encountering humans. As a result, grizzly mortality in the region is at an all time high with the population declining. Now is NOT the time to delist Yellowstone grizzlies. Please stop this process and keep grizzlies protected.
FACEBOOK: Go to Interior's Facebook page and leave one of the following comments IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF AN EXISTING POST. Please also add a photo if possible - it makes your post stand out more.
1) Please keep Yellowstone grizzlies protected! Their population is declining and mortality rates are at an all time high.
2) Please keep grizzlies in Yellowstone area protected. They should NEVER be subject to trophy hunting.
3) Stop the plan to remove Yellowstone area grizzly bears from the Endangered Species List. They must remain protected as they are threatened from climate change, habitat loss and human encroachment.