Wednesday, August 2, 2017

CALL TO ACTION: Ask Governor Bullock to Ban Trophy Hunting of Yellowstone Grizzlies

Now that Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears have been delisted, their fate is in the hands of the states. All three states have indicated that they will hold a grizzly trophy hunt. Please pressure the Democratic governor of Montana to do the right thing and not authorize a trophy hunt of these sacred bears.

CALLS: Call (406) 444-3111 and ask that Governor Bullock prevent a trophy hunting season of Yellowstone area grizzlies.  

EMAILS: Email Governor Bullock through THIS FORM and write your own, civil statement about why you oppose a trophy hunt of Yellowstone grizzly bears or copy and paste the following. If you live in the region or have visited, please mention this:

Please do not allow a trophy hunt of Yellowstone area grizzly bears. These bears are the heart of the billion dollar a year tourism economy in the region and are worth far more alive.


.@GovernorBullock Yellowstone grizzly bears are pillar of tourism economy! Don't allow trophy hunt of them!

Tourism worth much more 💰than trophy hunt! Don't hunt Yellowstone grizzly bears! .@GovernorBullock @MontanaFWP

FACEBOOK COMMENTS: Leave the following comment on Governor Bullock's Facebook Page and Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Facebook Page.

Please do not allow a trophy hunt of Yellowstone area grizzly bears. These bears are the heart of the billion dollar a year tourism economy in the region and are worth far more alive.