1) Trophy hunting grizzly on tribal and treaty lands threatens irreparable harm to tribal rights. #ProtectSacredGriz pic.twitter.com/YfmoaD8Jga
2) Why not relocate managed grizzlies to biologically suitable tribal lands? #ProtectSacredGriz .@USFWS pic.twitter.com/jFLaXj9qgx
3) "Meaningful" consultation must occur w/ government when decisions affect tribes! pic.twitter.com/C7uEPh0FlY .@UN @POTUS #ProtectSacredGriz
4) Delisting, hunting grizzly on ancestral tribal & treaty lands threatens irreparable harm to tribal rights .@POTUS pic.twitter.com/YfmoaD8Jga
5) Corp overseeing peer review of ESA delisting does oil/gas pipeline development! #ProtectSacredGriz .@MarkRuffalo pic.twitter.com/YB5xUEEmIm
6) 50+ Native Tribes, 1st Nations Sign Treaty 2 Prevent Delisting of Grizzly Bear http://rbl.ms/2dqPoct #ProtectSacredGriz .@leodicaprio @POTUS
7) Hunting grizzly bears on tribal lands threatens irreparable harm to tribal rights #ProtectSacredGriz pic.twitter.com/YfmoaD8Jga .@mileycyrus
8) Assembly of First Nations sign treaty to save grizzlies from hunting. Next up, 50+ US Tribes! #ProtectSacredGriz pic.twitter.com/K0R59atwl7
9) "The grizzly is sacred to us. We do not want states trophy hunting the grizzly" Shoshone-Bannock Tribe .@Interior pic.twitter.com/pAftcEZ4q7
10) Meaningful consultation must occur w/ government when decisions affect tribes pic.twitter.com/C7uEPh0FlY .@berniesanders #ProtectSacredGriz
11) Shoshone-Bannock Tribe "The grizzly is sacred to us. We want the grizzly to remain protected" .@SecretaryJewell pic.twitter.com/pAftcEZ4q7
12) 50+ Tribes, Canada 1st Nations seek protection of grizzly from trophy hunting pic.twitter.com/qyigBjSm1b #ProtectSacredGriz .@iansomerhalder
13) "The grizzly is sacred to us. We do not want states trophy hunting grizzly" Shoshone-Bannock Tribe .@MarkRuffalo pic.twitter.com/pAftcEZ4q7
14) Meaningful consultation must occur with government when decisions affect tribes pic.twitter.com/C7uEPh0FlY .@zhaabowekwe #ProtectSacredGriz
15) Grizzly, most powerful of bears, guided and protected our first people to arrive at Center Place -Hopi Bear Clan pic.twitter.com/K36H86SHtI
16) The grizzly is sacred to tribes of Yellowstone, all of whom oppose delisting/hunting. #ProtectSacredGriz .@POTUS pic.twitter.com/K36H86SHtI
17) Grizzly is sacred to tribes of Yellowstone, all of which oppose delisting/hunting #ProtectSacredGriz .@Interior pic.twitter.com/K36H86SHtI
18) 50+ tribes sign historic treaty to stop delisting, hunting of grizzlies. Will .@Interior listen? @Schwarzenegger pic.twitter.com/EXbQyG0xCV
19) Meaningful consultation must occur w/ government when decisions affect tribes pic.twitter.com/C7uEPh0FlY .@rosariodawson #ProtectSacredGriz
20) Trophy hunting grizzly on tribal and treaty lands threatens irreparable harm to tribal rights. .@SecretaryJewell pic.twitter.com/YfmoaD8Jga
26) 50+ Tribes, Canada First Nations seek protection of grizzly from trophy hunting. pic.twitter.com/qyigBjSm1b #ProtectSacredGriz .@zhaabowekwe
27) Corp overseeing peer review of ESA delisting does oil/gas pipeline development #ProtectSacredGriz .@billmckibben pic.twitter.com/YB5xUEEmIm
28) #TribalNations want grizzlies relocated to tribal land instead of hunted. #ProtectSacredGriz .@SecretaryJewell pic.twitter.com/YMcbCywxIA
29) 50+ Native Tribes, First Nations Sign Treaty to Prevent Delisting of GYE Grizzly Bear http://rbl.ms/2dqPoct #ProtectSacredGriz .@SarahJaffe
31) 50+ tribes want grizzlies relocated to tribal land instead of trophy hunted. #ProtectSacredGriz .@Schwarzenegger pic.twitter.com/YMcbCywxIA
32) 50+ Native Tribes, 1st Nations Sign Treaty 2 Stop Delisting of Grizzly Bear http://rbl.ms/2dqPoct #ProtectSacredGriz .@FLOTUS @sensanders
33) Only one of peer reviewers had any experience with Yellowstone grizzlies. pic.twitter.com/y6SmXdofzO #ProtectSacredGriz .@SecretaryJewell
34) "The grizzly bear has been significant to Blackfoot people since time of our Creation" pic.twitter.com/fmVuNU7KoP #ProtectSacredGriz .@POTUS
35) .@SecretaryJewell says tribal voices are important. Why won't she listen on grizzly delisting. #ProtectSacredGriz pic.twitter.com/B500FQA99G
36) Grizzly habitat vulnerable to energy leases, timber, livestock leases - Shoshone-Bannock Tribe #ProtectSacredGriz pic.twitter.com/fmVuNU7KoP
Life is short. It will be even shorter and less delightful if all of our wonderful animals are murdered for trophy. NO hunting grizzly. Keep your cattle out of Yellowstone They do not belong there. Only native life to the area are welcome. The GOP is Delisting everything. You cannot trust those in Congress to protect anyone but themselves. Leave our wild life alone. National Parks are the same as Marine sanctuaries. Wake up now you fools. Only freaks would keep trying to do the same thing over and over again.What fools you are. You are not that special. None of us are. But our Animals are the most sacred. Leave the Native Americans alone. This is their land. Leave them alone. You are slaughtering the innocent. Karma will happen to you too.
ReplyDeleteI am fairly new to protecting the Great Grizzlie Bear but they are a sacred predator and I support this cause 100%! It seems to me that other than the native Americans, conservationists and like minded people are among the few who are aware of what has been happening to our Native Wildlife. We've got Welfare ranchers grazing cattle on our public lands, driving prey species away for not enough food to eat, Wolves being slaughtered when they kill a few cows to eat on that public land and government agencies who are supposed to protect endangered species not doing their jobs, all corrupt! I find it very hard to have any faith in ANY government agency now. Especially Mr. Dan Asch, top man in the USFWS, who I have fought many battles with over the years! I truly hope this goes through and the true Founding Fathers of North America, the Native Americans, will succeed in their quest to protect the Great Bear, the Grizzlie, and get her moved to their tribal lands where she will be safe from trophy hunters and can live in Peace as she is meant to do for all time!