Saturday, August 18, 2018

PUBLIC COMMENTS to oppose baiting of grizzly bears in Wyoming - DUE AUGUST 20

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is proposing a new regulation which authorizes that a grizzly bear, as a big game trophy animal, can be killed with special Kill Permits and Depredation Hunts, essentially as a “Predator”.
The comment period for this New Regulation, Chapter 28, is now. All comments must be submitted to the WGFD by August 20. This is related to the Chapter 68 Grizzly Bear Hunting Seasons, which the Governor signed into law in recent months. In Chapter 68, the Grizzly Bear Hunting Regulations, there is a section authorizing the baiting of the Grizzly Bear for Management Objectives or due to conflict. The section does not define conflict bear or management objectives. Do our two hunters with a camera allow an increase in their grizzly bear harvest? Now with this new regulation a bear can be baited and killed for getting into bee hives, as just one example of how the harvest of the Grizzly Bear is being expanded at this pivotal time. This requires attention and comment.
Please submit your comment online HERE.
SAMPLE COMMENT: I write to oppose Chapter 28 regulation for the reasons set forth below:

1) There are not been adequate public notice nor ability to comment on this regulation.  

2) Permitting the baiting of grizzly bears is inconsistent with the North American Model of Wildlife Management which requires "fair chase". Baiting is unethical and immoral and should not be allowed. It is also dangerous as it can create fights around bait sites between animals and could endanger humans who unknowingly happen upon a bait site.

3) With regard to item (z), there should be requirements for the maintenance and storage of "stored crops" as well as beehives to prevent bears from becoming habituated to human food.

4) With regard to item (ff), I object because it makes the grizzly a "predator" subject to depredation. Dan Thompson previously represented that the grizzly would never be considered a "predator" in 2016 when discussing the "Grizzly Bear Management Plan." Labeling the grizzly as a predator would all kill permits to be issued separate and in addition to the hunting quota.

5) There should be a requirement for landowners to show efforts to deter conflicts with grizzly bears prior to the issuance of a kill permit. It is essential to promote non-lethal deterrence efforts and co-existence.

For the reasons listed above, I object to Chapter 28 regulation and ask that the issues raised above be addressed and that an appropriate period for public comment be issued.



I Opposed and do not approve the CHAPTER 28 REGULATION IN TOTAL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS (Talking Points):

1. The regulation extends the Chapter 68 Grizzly Bear Hunting Seasons without adequate or appropriate public notice to participate and comment. I oppose that it is promulgated just weeks before the Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt Commences on September 1 and it extends and expands the scope of the hunt, which was signed into law by the Governor just weeks ago.
2. I object to this extension of the hunting season to hunt aka slaughter the Grizzly Bear as “Predator” and for many reasons which include and are not limited to:
a. Dan Thompson, WGFD Large Carnivore Director promised the public at a full house in the Virginian Hotel in 2016 when discussing the “Grizzly Bear Management Plan” that the grizzly bear would never be hunted as “Predator”.
b. This new regulation expanding the hunt aka slaughter of the Grizzly Bear is too much too late. The lawsuits opposing de-listing the Grizzly Bear from ESA protections were on a briefing deadline which did not allow for a thorough examination of this newly proposed regulation published on July 9, 2018, the briefs due August 8, 2018. This was difficult if not impossible for the lawyers to address.
3. I object to this new regulation because item (k)- Damage is not clearly defined and vague on any legal meaning. And in particular as it related to Bee Hives. How, are the Bee Hives ordered to be maintained, to prevent depredation by a Grizzly Bear? I see no required electric fencing. This allows Bee Hives to serve as bait for a depredation hunt or special kill permit. I object to this proposed regulation in total an in particular Item (s)- “Want to kill a grizzly bear get a bee hive”. No.
4. I object to (q) and the definitions of improvements. The definition of structure is vague and it allows for a “kill permit” or “depredation hunt” of a Grizzly Bear and now with BAIT, with no real loss of any value to property! “Erect a shack, store grain carelessly and kill a grizzly bear”. No.
5. I further object to item (s)- I object to any kill permits for the Grizzly Bear. Chapter 68 has been passed and signed by the Governor into regulation to hunt the Grizzly Bear. This extension of the hunt is now illegal and in violation of your own Grizzly Bear Management Plan, the Wyoming Public Records Act, and your promises to the Public.
6. I object that this Kill Permit an include baiting a grizzly bear to be shot does not comport with the North American Model of Wildlife Management which Dan Thompson told us all at the Virginian guides is management. The North American Model requires “Fair Chase” as do most “hunters”. Montana does not allow bear baiting because it defies the requirement of “fair chase” in hunting practice. The Kill Permit is slaughter of the Grizzly Bear and for little cause. I object to this regulation.
7. I object to item (z) for the reason stated above in terms of bees and beehives and “stored crops”. What are the regulations for maintenance and storage so no bear is chummed to human contact and food rewards?
8. I object to item (dd) – “Accepted Agricultural Practices” is a meaningless term in Wyoming. Agricultural and ranchers can do whatever they choose and with the blessing of the WGFD. You admitted at the late spring public meeting on the increased wolf quota regulation than ranchers can bait wolves to be shot with dead cattle, even when adjacent to neighborhoods and with little regard what food reward that attracts the grizzly bear to eat. I object to item (dd).
9. I object to item (ff) because it makes the Grizzly Bear a predator subject to depredation and “kill permits” separate and in addition to the kill quotas in the hunting seasons.

Section 4 (a):

I object to this section. This is a very vague and nebulous change from landowner to claimant. Define “Claimant”. If claimant and not landowner is only required for a depredation hunt an private land what business is that of the WGFD to make deals behind a land owners back or without the knowing consent of the land-owner. I object to this tactic as illegal and it expands the hunt of the Grizzly Bear by an unknown! Who is the “Claimant”?

Section 4 (b):

Same objection, I know of at least two ranches at issue in this regard for different reasons. The landowner approval for hunting on his/her land is legally responsible as they are liable for the actions and potential injuries on their land. You WGFD cannot be complicit with back dooring the landowner for your own gain or purpose.
Section 5:

Item (11)- Again Beehives are an issue as raised above and I object to this regulation

Section 7:

I object that a landowner must consent to a depredation hunt on his/her land in order to be compensated for legitimate loss due to depredation. This extends hunts illegally and manipulates the landowner unfairly. The public trust in management of our Natural Resources requires a fund which we the public shall fund and finance to reimburse landowners and not the forced agreement to hunting on their land.

There is no requirement in this regulation for deterrence first before a “kill permit” or Depredation hunt this is unconscionable for an agency first endowed with the privileged of managing the iconic grizzly bear and effective deterrence first is required in the Public Trust.

For all of this reasons I object to regulation 28 and I require the management of our natural resources in the Public Trust.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Public Comments: Oppose Road in Selkirk Mountains DUE JULY 16

Photo courtesy of USDA Forest Service

The US Forest Service is considering building a road for "national security" purposes through prime grizzly bear habitat in the Selkirk Mountains of northern Idaho. The road will be located approximately two miles from the Canadian border. 

Submit your public comments via email to no later than midnight EDT on July 16. 


   - I oppose the plan to build the Bog Creek road. This road will be located in prime grizzly bear habitat. 

- Studies have repeated shown that building roads in grizzly bear habitat is extremely detrimental to grizzly bear population. A recent study by Clayton Lamb, from the University of Alberta, demonstrated that more roads equals fewer grizzly bears. Bears also tend to avoid habitats with roads through them.  Further, roads invite poachers into habitat, putting the recovering grizzly bear population and other wildlife at risk. 

- For these reasons, I oppose the construction of a national security road at Bog Creek. The construction and use would be too disruptive to the grizzly bears in the region.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Write a Letter to Celebrate Endangered Species Day

Celebrate Endangered Species Day by speaking up for the Yellowstone grizzly bears - saved from extinction by the Endangered Species Act. This population was removed from the protection of the Endangered Species Act less than one year ago. Already, Wyoming and Idaho have scheduled trophy hunts of this isolated population. Up to 13 female bears could by killed in Wyoming, endangering long term survivability.

Although these bears live within the states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, they belong to all of us. American taxpayers devoted tens of millions of dollars to saving the Yellowstone grizzly from extinction. We will be damned if a few trigger happy trophy hunters are going to take them away from us!

Please take ten minutes today - or this weekend - to write a personalized letter (We are told that Governor Mead writes back!) or email asking that the trophy hunt be called off.


Mailing address:
Governor Matt Mead
Idelman Mansion
2323 Carey Ave.Cheyenne, WY 82002-0010

Email: use THIS FORM

Please write in your own words. Ideas are below. If you are out of ideas, copy and paste:

I write to oppose Wyoming's plans for a trophy sport hunt of grizzly bears. I have visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. I visit primarily to view wildlife - especially grizzly bears! When I visited your state, I spent my tourism dollars at local businesses. I am so upset that Wyoming is not following Montana's lead and abstaining from a grizzly hunt. These majestic animals bring in millions of dollars to the tourism economy. They are important to wildlife watchers who, like me, come from all over the world to view them. Please re-think the planned hunt and cancel it! If not, I will make sure that the next time I visit the Yellowstone region, I stay in Montana. 


I strongly oppose a trophy sport hunt of Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears. Bears that leave the national park and are the pillars of a billion dollar a year tourism industry could be shot and killed. This would negatively impact the tourism industry and reflect very poorly on Wyoming. The state of Montana has opted to refrain from such a hunt to gain the trust of the public after de-listing of this iconic species. Please consider doing the same and canceling plans for a hunt. 


I write to oppose the trophy sport hunt of Yellowstone area grizzly bears. Wyoming's plan to all the killing of 24 of these bears is excessive. In particular, I am concerned that up to 14 females could be killed. There are no regulations on the sex of bears that could be killed outside of the DMA which is dangerous and could have a drastic impact on the population. Further, I find it abhorrent that the state would allow the baiting of bears. At a minimum, please eliminate the use of bait, which is unsportsmanlike and unethical. It is also dangerous and grizzlies fiercely protect their food and hikers that stumble across a bait station could be injured or worse. In addition, I ask you to intervene to create a buffer zone around the national parks and on the John D Rockefeller Memorial Parkway. These bears have no fear of humans, have learned to tolerate humans and are, in fact, celebrities. It is downright cruel to open them up to hunting after decades of coexistence. Moreover, what will this do to the tourism industry if popular park bears are killed. As a lover of Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears, I ask you to work to make these changes.


Mailing Address:
Governor Butch Otter
State Capitol
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720


Please write in your own words. Ideas are below. If you are out of ideas, copy and paste:

I strongly oppose a trophy sport hunt of a Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bear. Bears that leave the national park and are the pillars of a billion dollar a year tourism industry could be shot and killed. This would negatively impact the tourism industry and reflect very poorly on Idaho. The state of Montana has opted to refrain from such a hunt to gain the trust of the public after de-listing of this iconic species. Further, Idaho grizzly bears are important because they help connect the population of Yellowstone with northern Idaho and Montana. Finally, Idaho has taken no measures to ensure that the bear killed is a male. If a female is killed, this would violate the mortality limits set forth in the hunting agreement between the three states. There is a 50/50 chance that Idaho will violate this agreement due to its failure to take any meaningful steps to prevent a female from being killedPlease reconsider and cancel the hunt.

Friday, April 27, 2018

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Oppose the IDAHO Trophy Hunt of Yellowstone Grizzlies by MAY 3

Please submit your public comments on Idaho through this form. Comments must be in by the close of business on May 3, 2018. 

What to say:

- Although Idaho was allocated less than one male bear, it has no safeguards in effect to ensure that a male bear is targeted - versus a female bear. Rather, there is 50/50 likelihood that a female bear will be killed. If this happens, Idaho will violate mortality limits in the hunting agreement between the three states in the region.

-  Idaho grizzly bears are especially important in establishing connections between the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem population and the bears of northern Montana and Idaho. Killing these bears in a trophy hunt would lead to further isolation and flat population growth of the Yellowstone population.

- Idaho should follow Montana's example and not trophy hunt its grizzly bears. Rather, Idaho should wait to gain the trust of the public and prove that it can manage its bears so soon after they have been removed from the federal Endangered Species list.

- Mortality due to human causes has been at an all time high and, as a result, the Yellowstone ecosystem population has not grown since the early 2000s. This, combined with the fact that grizzlies have a very slow reproductive rate means that killing bears, particularly females, can have a rapid, detrimental impact on the overall population. A trophy hunt this soon after removing the bears from the Endangered Species list would be reckless and threaten years of slow recovery.


The proposal is clear and understandable: select neutral or disagree
The proposal does not conflict with other hunting, fishing or trapping opportunities: select neutral or disagree
I support the proposal: select disagree
I would support the proposal if it met my concerns: select disagree

* There are a series of other questions at the very bottom of the form. Select neutral for all of those.

PETITION: Please sign and share.

Greater Yellowstone Coalition
One Protest

TWITTER: If you are on Twitter, please retweet:

Monday, April 16, 2018

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Oppose the Wyoming Trophy Hunt of Yellowstone Grizzlies by APRIL 30

Public comments are due by 5pm Mountain Time on April 30, 2018 and may be submitted electronically. Submit an online comment here.  Please personalize your public comments using these talking points from Center for Biological Diversity.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tweet Sheet: Stop the Wyoming Trophy Hunt of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

1) Wildlife watching tourists contribute 1.8x as much as hunters to #Wyoming economy yet their voices ignored as state preps for #TrophyHunting of grizzlies outside of #Yellowstone #GrandTetons National Parks. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW @GovMattMead

2) .@YellowstoneNPS SELLS OUT Park grizzly bears! Has no concerns about #Wyoming trophy hunt! Bears that leave National Parks can be killed outside park boundaries. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #FindYourPark #TrophyHunting #TW 💔🐻

3) As soon as 1st day of September, 24 vulnerable grizzly bears could be killed in #Wyoming for a trophy on a wall.  Sign to tell .@GovMattMead to step in and stop #Yellowstone grizzly trophy hunt! #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW

4) Wyoming is using #TrophyHunting to extinguish any chance of grizzlies colonizing potential suitable habitat in Uinta Mountains of Utah, Bighorn Mountains of #Wyoming. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #endangeredspecies #TW

5) #Wyoming will allow #TrophyHunting of grizzly bears that leave #Yellowstone and #GrandTetons National Parks this fall! Even tho wildlife watching tourists contribute 1.8x as much as hunters! 🐻💔 #WhatsWrongWithWY #NoGrizHunt #TW Why @wyomingtourism?

6) WUT?! Wyoming wants to hunt 24 grizzlies this fall. Tell @govmattmead hunting and baiting are how grizzlies ended up endangered to begin with. Let’s focus on coexisting with these animals, not killing them for a trophy. #whatswrongwithWY #NoGrizHunt #TW

7) .@GovMattMead Call off Wyoming trophy hunt of #Yellowstone grizzlies that leave safety of national parks. 24 bears to be killed this fall! Wildlife watchers contribute 1.8x more to Wyoming's economy than hunters! #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW

8) Other than in small buffer proposed around part of Grand Teton, any grizzly bear that steps over national park boundaries could be shot 💔🐻 #Yellowstone #FindYourPark #Wyoming #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #BanTrophyHunting #TW

9) Stop The Trophy Hunt of Wyoming Grizzly Bears 🐾🐻❤️ - Sign ✍️ the Petition!  #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #ThatsWY #BanTrophyHunting #Yellowstone #GrandTetons #TW

10) Killing just one female could impact the local grizzly population for the next decade; killing 14 could be devastating. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #ThatsWY #BanTrophyHunting #TW @GovMattMead 🐻🐾💔

11) #Wyoming to allow #TrophyHunting of grizzly bears that leave National Parks this fall! Even though wildlife watching tourists contribute 1.8x as much as hunters! 🐻💔 #ThatsWY #NoGrizHunt #Yellowstone #GrandTetons #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW @GovMattMead

13) Grizzly bears don't cause significant conflicts w/livestock. Statistically speaking, zero livestock died from grizzly predation. So why is #Wyoming killing 24 of them outside of #Yellowstone?  #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW 🐻

14) Sign ✍️ and share. Tell Wyoming Governor Mead to put a halt to this short-sighted proposal to bait and kill Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #ThatsWY #TW @GovMattMead 🐻💔

15) Wildlife watching tourists contribute 1.8x as much as hunters to #Wyoming economy yet voices ignored as state preps for #TrophyHunting of grizzlies outside of #Yellowstone #GrandTetons National Parks. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW @wyomingtourism

16) 🚨 For the first time in half a century, # Wyoming is planning a grizzly bear hunting season. ✍️ and RT to demand that these bears be safe from #TrophyHunting! 🚨 #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW

17) 🚨🚨 #Wyoming is holding a trophy hunt of #Yellowstone grizzly bears this fall but working to hide it from tourists. Why is that @wyomingtourism? Bc people like me will go to Montana or BC instead? #NoGrizHunt #BanTrophyHunting #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW

18) Yellowstone-area grizzlies should NOT be hunted. Tell Wyoming's @GovMattMead to put an end to this senseless plan via @NRDC 🐻❤️🐾 #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW

19) There is nothing good to say about shooting a grizzly bear over piles of human food dumped into otherwise pristine wilderness for the purpose of easy trophy kill. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #ThatsWY #TrophyHunting @GovMattMead

20) Reject #TrophyHunting of #Yellowstone grizzly bears. 🐻🐻 #Wyoming will allow baiting of the bears and killing female bears, even if they have cubs. Sign to say NO! 💔 #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW @GovMattMead

21) Hunting bears during fall when eating heavily to gain weight for hibernation costs precious energy. For females, having to flee hunters may negatively affect ability to successfully reproduce over her entire lifetime. #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TW 🐻💔

22) #Wyoming Game and Fish now want to wage war on very grizzly bears that make #GrandTetons and #Yellowstone national parks their home —the same animals that make these places so special for the rest of us 💔🐻 #NoGrizHunt #WhatsWrongWithWY #TrophyHunting #TW

23) If Wyoming and .@GovMattMead look at @WGFD’s own data, they’ll see the wildlife-watching economy is triple the state’s hunting economy. #ThatsWY it makes no sense to host a cruel grizzly trophy hunt. #NoGrizHunt #TW #WhatswrongwithWY

24) Wyoming & Idaho’s aggressive plans for #TrophyHunting of remaining 700 or so #Yellowstone-area grizzly bears this year are unscientific and – unless stopped — will set bear conservation back by decades. #WhatsWrongWithWY #NoGrizHunt #BanTrophyHunting #TW

Thursday, March 15, 2018

CALL TO ACTION: Contact Wyoming Office of Tourism re Grizzly Hunt

A recent study by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department found that wildlife watchers contribute 1.8 times as much as hunters to the Wyoming economy. That means we should have at least as much voice!

Let the Wyoming Office of Tourism know that you oppose a grizzly hunt and you won't visit the state as long as there is a hunt planned.


Please leave a civil comment on the Wyoming Office of Tourism Facebook page HERE. It is best to leave a comment on an existing post. Use the #NoGrizHunt hashtag and a photo or a GIF to draw more attention to your comment. Also try to like or reply to other posts about the trophy hunt while you are there.

TWITTER: Click to Tweet

#Wyoming will allow #TrophyHunting of grizzly bears that leave #Yellowstone and #GrandTetons National Parks this fall! Even though wildlife watching tourists contribute 1.8x as much as hunters! 🐻💔 #ThatsWY #NoGrizHunt #FindYourParks @wyomingtourism

#Wyoming is holding a trophy hunting of #Yellowstone grizzly bears this fall but working to hide it from tourists. Why is that @wyomingtourism? Bc people like me will go to Montana or BC instead? #NoGrizHunt #BanTrophyHunting #ThatsWY #FindYourPark

Wildlife watching tourists contribute 1.8x as much as hunters to #Wyoming economy yet their voices are ignored as state preps for #TrophyHunting of grizzlies outside of #Yellowstone and #GrandTetons National Parks. #NoGrizHunt #ThatsWY @wyomingtourism


Please leave a civil comment on the Wyoming Office of Tourism Instagram page HEREUse the #NoGrizHunt hashtag.


Email the Office of Tourism and ask them to apply pressure to call off the grizzly bear hunt. Here is a sample script but it is better if you personalize it and mention that you have plans or were going to make plans to visit but are opting to visit Montana or British Columbia instead.

I am devastated by Wyoming's decision to hold a trophy hunt of Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears. I understand that the Office of Tourism is not responsible for such decisions but I believe that your office should relay to the governor and those who are responsible that tourists come to Wyoming to view wildlife. We will go to other locales instead - like Montana or British Columbia - where grizzly bears are not hunted - and we will spend our hard earned money there if this hunt is to go forward. 


You can may call the Office of Tourism at 307-777-7777.