Monday, April 16, 2018

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Oppose the Wyoming Trophy Hunt of Yellowstone Grizzlies by APRIL 30

Public comments are due by 5pm Mountain Time on April 30, 2018 and may be submitted electronically. Submit an online comment here.  Please personalize your public comments using these talking points from Center for Biological Diversity.


  1. Ever heard the expression "throwing out the baby with the bath water"? That's what Wyoming wants to do with the wildlife. It's very short-sighted to ignore the economic value of grizzlies (and wolves, for that matter) as a draw for tourists.

  2. Cowboy mentality is too ignorant to realize Grizzlies have value without being murdered. Their only thought is to make money from them being killed.....cowboy logic 🤪

  3. Wildlife belongs in the wild, humans are imposing themselves in the wild and thinking they can just kill whatever gets in their way. Selfish, greedy, inhumane and ignorant humans need to learn where they are needed and where they are a nuisance!! Stay out of the way of bears, stop killing them and find something useful to do for Nature or just leave it alone!

  4. All the animals they slaughter here in Wyoming apparently is not enough. Now you go after the Yellowstone Grizzlies with a Trophy hunt, no less! All the work done over the last 40+ years and you chose to tear it down in a few short years with trophy hunting. Grizzlies are Yellowstone and the Tetons. You can't take one away without destroying the other. This is just not normal behavior. People (hunters) getting so excited because they get to kill a grizzly. Isn't it said that serial killers start by killing animals and then move on to people? No animal out here deserves the kind of MANAGEMENT that you are doing. Leave these bears alone!

  5. Grizzly Bears are a national treasure, part of the ecosystem, and a fascination and joy for tourists to view and watch. We must not kill them! Trophy hunting is barbaric, especially today when we are losing species worldwide.

    1. Trophy hunting is inhumane, and it may kill pregnant mothers, or mothers who are still needed to nurture their cubs! Kirstin Synnestvedt

  6. Psychopathic pleasure for a few hunters versus sustainability of the wild life #grizzles which the environment depends on for long term survival should be easy for anyone to understand! Economic gains from Tourism enjoying LIVING grizzlies versus looking at Dead bodies of these mutilated bodies bears should awaken the conscience of any thinking human being!

  7. Grizzly and Wolf Hunting is inhuman.
    And it is not good,xause it shows our Children ,killing for fun is ok.But it is not.Killing Animals is disgustingl.And only Humans without a Heart uses Rifles to kill Harmlos Animals.

  8. Grizzly bears, wolves, coyotes, and foxes need the hunting to stop. These are senseless killings. Each of the fore mentioned animals play and important role in their ecosystem. The apex predators weed out the herds and keep them healthy.

  9. stop killing these Animals , let Nature balnce its self out!,

  10. I oppose the Wyoming trophy hunt of Yellowstone grizzlies and find it vastly backward thinking. This needs to stop as it is antiquated and people like me won't spend our vacation dollars in states like Wyoming specifically because of such a mindset.

  11. I thought Wyoming was a forward thinking state ! How wrong was I
    What is the need to hunt and slaughter 25 grizzlies including 2 breeding Females
    The grizzlies will be Baited
    Then shot while eating
    It is like shooting fish in a barrel
    Nobody needs a grizzly bear rug
    We live in 2018 not 1820
    Grizzlies are one of the slowest reproductive mammals
    They are in as much danger today as they were in 1975
    Figures recorded show that mortality rate for the grizzlies has been one of the highest, death from collisions with cars etc
    I see one comment says the hunt will help stop the grizzlies in any human conflict
    How will this help ? Grizzlies are solitary animals in life so slaughting the grizzlies will not scare others off
    The tourist industry supports thousands of local people yet they are planning to kill the stars of the show
    They can shoot a grizzly once with a gun
    But you can shoot a grizzly hundreds of times with a camera
    Wyoming you really should look long and hard before you leap the damage you will do can not be undone

  12. Wyoming’s rhetoric that this hunt is cautious and careful is disingenuous. In fact, this is almost as aggressive a hunt as would be permitted under the current delisting regime. Rethink this decision for the bears, for us all before its too late.

  13. No logic whatsoever in killing off a species that brings in mega tourist dollars. Besides, it’s unethical with so few remaining.

  14. This Trophy hunt is absurd. These bears are worth way more to the economy of Wyoming as tourist attractions Than what a few hunters contribute . Thats why I go to Teton national park. I can photograph elk, bison, pronghorns, deer, big horn sheep other places. But Wyoming"s Grand Teton National park is the only place to have good access to grizzly bears. If you allow them to be hunted when they wander out of the park they will become more wary and perhaps dead. Which means no more bears to photograph and observe.

  15. Please stop! Leave the bears in peace! This is their world too and much harm has been done already invading their living space. Trophy hunting is inhuame and should be bannned everywhere.

  16. Please stop killing bears. Let's evolve from medieval times and leave them in peace.
