Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Call To Action Public Land Use

Land Development of Grizzly Habitat Call to Action


If grizzly bears are removed from the Endangered Species List over 3 million acres of habitat are open for development oil, natural gas, mining, fracking, ranching and timber. The public lands we share are under attack from all sides. Federal legislation proposes the transfer of public lands to individual states—who could auction them off to the highest bidder. State legislation will look to expand development closing them off to other users. If you want to preserve your public lands, Keep grizzlies listed and protected!!

TWITTER: Here is Tweet Sheet Public Lands on this topic.

FACEBOOK: I am concerned about removing Yellowstone area grizzly bears from Endangered Species list. If grizzlies are delisted, millions of acres will open for energy development. If our public lands are sold off by the Federal Government to the States our nation's wild places will be threatened. 
#DontDelistGrizzlies #ProtectOurPublicLands #OurWild

Please share leave the comment above on the following Facebook pages: 
(1) your senators*
(2) your member of the House of Representatives*
* Find your Senators and representatives by zip code here.

Where possible, please share one of our photos.

Please contact the following individuals, sharing the text above or your own.

(1) your Senators*
(2) your representative*

* Find your Senators and representatives by zip code here.

Monday, January 16, 2017

TWEET SHEET: USGS "Don't Play Politics!"

.@USGS Why claiming you cannot conclude Yellowstone grizzly population declining? Objective science shows it is! pic.twitter.com/7Y3t6kHYCr

IGBST data gives appearance of @USGS, others manipulating science in ongoing effort to delist Yellowstone grizzly pic.twitter.com/u7mX6KY5gv

Yellowstone grizzly pop down each year yet .@USGS says cannot conclude declining? What kind of science is this? pic.twitter.com/hxBfitgDwZ

.@USGS practicing fuzzy science when can't conclude population decline with these numbers - yet push to delist pic.twitter.com/A2WhBniWSb

Someone not being objective with scientific data! Ahem, @USGS! GYE griz population down 757 to 690 from 2014-2016 pic.twitter.com/bU8y7RLx9k

CALL TO ACTION: Tell USGS "Don't Get Political"

The last few years have yielded recorded high mortality for our Yellowstone grizzly bears. Further, the population is in decline. Official estimates for 2014, 2015 and 2016 were 757, 717 and 690 respectively. Nonetheless, delisting marches ahead because the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) claims that it "cannot conclude the population declined between 2014 and 2016" based on, not on objective science, but on values, preferences and politics! (Read more on this topic at GrizzlyTimes)

Time to call out the United States Geological Society, who puts out the annual reports and compiles the scientific data, for playing politics instead of practicing objective science!

Please call, email, tweet, leave Facebook comments for the following USGS officials.

Here is the basic message: Please approach grizzly data objectively, not through a political lens! What does the data objectively prove with regard to population growth for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016? How can you NOT conclude that the population is declining - yet still conclude that it makes sense to delist this population? 


Frank Van Manen
Suzanne Kimball
Richard Ferrero


Frank Van Manen 406-994-5043
Suzanne Kimball and Richard Ferrero (you can also leave a comment with operator) 703-648-7412

FAX: Frank Van Manen 406-994-6416

REGULAR MAIL: Frank Van Manen, 2327 University Way, Suit 2, Bozeman, MT 59715

FACEBOOK: Leave the comment above IN AN EXISTING COMMENT on the USGS Facebook page. If you can, upload one of our graphics as well. It helps your comment stand out. And please reply to similar comments that you see.

TWITTER: Tweet Sheet is HERE

Monday, January 2, 2017

CALL TO ACTION: Last Chance for Obama Administration to Stop Delisting

The tribal treaty has been completed. It is the most signed treaty in history and has been signed by every tribe owning tribal lands that are biologically suitable for grizzlies. Every tribe in the Yellowstone region has signed and opposes the delisting and trophy hunting of Yellowstone area grizzlies.

Now it is time to get that treaty to President Obama and/or Vice President Biden before they leave office on January 20th. Let's try to get this on their radar through calls, emails, tweets and Facebook comments. This is our last chance with this administration.

TWITTER: TweetSheet


White House Comment Line  (202-456-1111)
Secretary Jewell (202) 208 7351 (direct)

"Please listen to the tribes and keep Yellowstone grizzly bears protected under the Endangered Species Act."


President Obama: Submit your message online.
Secretary Jewell: Send to exsec@ios.doi.gov. Then, go to the Feedback Form. Subject should be "Keep Yellowstone Grizzly Protected" or similar. 

"All major tribes and all tribes with lands that are biologically suitable to grizzlies have signed a treaty asking that Yellowstone area grizzlies remained protected under the Endangered Species Act. Please stop the process of delisting these sacred bears before you leave office on January 20th."


Please the following comment in all of the following Facebook pages.

"All major tribes and all tribes with lands that are biologically suitable to grizzlies have signed a treaty asking that Yellowstone area grizzlies remained protected under the Endangered Species Act. Please stop the process of delisting these sacred bears before you leave office on January 20th."

1) President Obama (you can also send a personal message)
2) Vice President Biden
3) Secretary Jewell

Sunday, January 1, 2017

TWEET SHEET: Completed Treaty to Stop Delisting

Every tribe with biologically suitable habitat for grizzly bear signed asking @POTUS not to delist great bear! pic.twitter.com/GfESCGYVxL

.@VP Please stand with the tribes. Most signed treaty in history seeking continued protection of grizzly bear. pic.twitter.com/GfESCGYVxL

.@Interior Please listen to the tribes. Most signed treaty in history seeking continued protection of grizzly. pic.twitter.com/GfESCGYVxL

.@SecretaryJewell  Please listen to tribes. Most signed treaty in history seeking continued protection of grizzly pic.twitter.com/GfESCGYVxL

.@POTUS All major tribes & tribes with biologically suitable grizzly habitat sign treaty asking to stop delisting pic.twitter.com/PGjIykgnYU

.@VP All major tribes & tribes with biologically suitable grizzly habitat sign treaty asking to stop delisting pic.twitter.com/PGjIykgnYU

.@SecretaryJewell All major tribes & tribes w/biologically suitable grizzly habitat sign treaty against delisting pic.twitter.com/PGjIykgnYU

.@Interior All major tribes & tribes w/ biologically suitable grizzly habitat sign treaty asking to not delist! pic.twitter.com/PGjIykgnYU