Thursday, December 15, 2016


Actual delisting is still a few months away BUT Secretary Jewell could stop this now. Please pressure her to pull the plug on the delisting process so that it falls to the next administration. This is her last chance to have a positive impact on our wildlife.

TELEPHONE:  (202) 208 7351 (direct)

"Please continue to protect the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear under the Endangered Species Act and ensure that they are not the subject of trophy hunting".

EMAIL: Send to Then, go to the Feedback Form. Subject should be "Keep Yellowstone Grizzly Protected" or similar. Text is as follows or in your own words:

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears are threatened due to climate change which in turn has decimated their food sources. Fewer key foods available means that these bears range farther looking for food, and invariably encountering humans. As a result, grizzly mortality in the region is at an all time high with the population declining. Now is NOT the time to delist Yellowstone grizzlies. Please stop this process and keep grizzlies protected.

FACEBOOK: Go to Interior's Facebook page and leave one of the following comments IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF AN EXISTING POST. Please also add a photo if possible - it makes your post stand out more.

1) Please keep Yellowstone grizzlies protected! Their population is declining and mortality rates are at an all time high.

2) Please keep grizzlies in Yellowstone area protected. They should NEVER be subject to trophy hunting. 

3) Stop the plan to remove Yellowstone area grizzly bears from the Endangered Species List. They must remain protected as they are threatened from climate change, habitat loss and human encroachment.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Comment in Favor of Non-Lethal Predator Control

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is seeking public comments on Predator Damage and Conflict Management in Wyoming. The APHIS is offering 5 different alternatives to consider.  The first is to basically keep things as is and allow Wildlife Services to use full range of lethal and non-lethal control methods.

The other alternatives are:

Alternative 2) discontinue all Wildlife Services-Wyoming involvement Predator Damage Management ("PDM")

Alternative 3) Wildlife Services-Wyoming is restricted to using only nonlethal PDM methods

Alternative 4) restricts Wildlife Services-Wyoming to using or recommending only nonlethal methods

Alternative 5) requires livestock grazing permittees, landowners or resource mangers to: show evidence of sustained and ongoing use of nonlethal techniques aimed at preventing or reducing predation prior to receiving assistance with legal PDM methods from Wildlife Services-Wyoming  page8image25888

View full text here.

Please submit a comment BEFORE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. Please re-word 2 to 3 of the talking points below into your own words to avoid duplication. Submit your comment here.

  • I support Alternatives 2 and 4. 
  • In September 2016, a study led by Aidan Treves, found that nonlethal methods were generally more effective than lethal methods for preventing carnivore predation of livestock.
  • The same study found that lethal methods - in particular government culling and regulated public hunting - backfired, leading to increases in livestock predation in some cases. By contrast, none of the nonlethal methods resulted in counterproductive impacts.
  • Native carnivores are important keystone species, impacting the entire ecosystems in which they live. They are a true public trust asset and should not be killed to benefit livestock producers.
  • The best available scientific evidence supports nonlethal methods of predator management instead of lethal methods.
  • Effective use of nonlethal methods preserve both predators and private livestock.
Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


1) The man who okay'd killing of #ProfanityPeakPack also leading team on delisting of grizzly bears .@seattletimes

2) Head of interagency team on grizzlies: "biggest champion of black bears are black bear hunters." Just NO! 

3) Mindset of co-chair on grizzly study team: "biggest champion of mountain lions are mountain lion hunters"

4) Co-Chair of Interagency Grizzly Study Team ok'd killing of #ProfanityPeakPack, known for managing predators.  

5) Why does the guy who ok'd killing of #ProfanityPeakPAck get to say whether protect grizzlies? .@freespeechtv 

6) The man who authorized killing of #ProfanityPeakPack also leading team on delisting of grizzly bears .@dodo

8) Meet team deciding on grizzly protection: trophy hunter, #ProfanityPeakPack killer, oil/gas company .@EnviroNews

9) Why are these people the decision-makers on removing grizzlies from Endangered Species List? .@freespeechtv @cnn

10) Meet the folks involved in removing protections for grizzlies: hunters and oil companies. .@democracynow @latimes

11) Meet team overseeing grizzly delisting: trophy hunter, #ProfanityPeakPack killer, energy company .@MotherJones

12) Meet team overseeing grizzly delisting: trophy hunter, #ProfanityPeakPack killer, energy company .@GloriaDickie

13) Here is the team that gets to decide whether we continue protecting Yellowstone grizzly. .@mtpublicradio @FLOTUS

14) .@USFWS handpicked peer reviewers then hired oil/gas/mining company to oversee peer review on grizzly delisting!

15) Peer review process for grizzly bear delisting reeks of conflicts of interest, political meddling! .@alfranken

16) Peer review process for grizzly delisting reeks of conflicts of interest, political meddling! .@SenAugustKing

17) How is this ok? Global energy company oversaw peer review for removing grizzly from ESA. .@KCWY13 @timkaine

18) Conflict of Interest: 3M acres by Yellowstone open for mining, fracking if grizzly loses protection .@NPRinskeep

19) How is this ok? Global energy company oversaw peer review for removing grizzly from ESA .@barbaraboxer @Interior

20) .@USGS played politics to hide info that showed grizzly bear delisting not appropriate .@thinkprogress @vox

21) Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team delayed report by months, final report had glaring omissions .@Sen_JoeManchin

22) .@USGS delayed annual report, omitted major info bc stats show grizzlies should not be delisted .@freespeechtv

23) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly bear report by months, then omit several key statistics? .@HuffingtonPost @EcoWatch

24Politics, not science! .@USGS delayed by months annual grizzly report, omitted critical info. @conservationmag

25) Politics, not science, caused .@USGS to delay by months annual grizzly bear report, omit critical info. @UCSUSA

26) Why oil/gas company, led by ex-Halliburton exec, overseeing peer review on grizzly delisting? .@RepRaulGrijalva

27) Why is oil/gas company, led by ex-Halliburton exec, overseeing peer review on grizzly delisting? .@karinbrulliard

28) Energy company has no business overseeing scientific peer review for grizzly delisting .@SenatorCantwell @kgwntv

29) Energy companies shd not be involved in removing animals from Endangered Species list. Corrupt! .@hillaryclinton

31) Energy company has no business overseeing scientific peer review for grizzly delisting .@MartinHeinrich @nytimes

32) Govt agencies delayed annual report by months, final had major omissions. Reeks of political tampering. .@USGS 

33) .@USGS delayed IGBST annual report by months, final had major omissions. Political tampering!? .@sensanders

34) .@USGS delayed grizzly team report by months, final report had major omissions. Political tampering!? .@tomudall

35) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly team report by months? Then omit major info? @barbaraboxer @POTUS @RepRaulGrijalva

36) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly team report by months? Then omit major info? @thinkprogress @democracynow @reveal

37) Why did .@USGS delay grizzly team report by months? Then omit major info? @RepHuffman @RepCartwright @mj_wright1

38) Per FOIA doc, .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting @SecretaryJewell

39) FOIA doc reveals .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting! .@Interior

40) FOIA doc shows .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting! .@RepLoisCapps

41) Whoa! How is this "independent"? Conflict of interest at .@USFWS over grizzly removal from ESA. @nikkiinthehouse

42) Yet again, .@USFWS engaging in politics not science. Handpicking peer reviewers=conflict of interest @jaredpolis

43) FOIA doc reveals .@USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for peer review of grizzly delisting! .@sciam


The process for removing GYE grizzly bears from the Endangered Species list stinks! It is rife with conflicts of interest, delayed reports, suppression of information, and deliberate dissemination of misinformation ( the article claiming mortality levels were down when they are at record highs). 

This is not right. This is not how the Endangered Species Act is supposed to work. This week's action aims to garner attention for the blatant political meddling contaminating the delisting process. Please leave Facebook comments, tweet the TweetSheet, send emails and make phone calls.


FACEBOOK COMMENTS: Please leave a comment on an article on the following pages, expressing your concern that politics are taking precedence over science in the process of delisting grizzly bears. Where possible, share one of our graphics.

1) White House
3) Raul Grijalva
4) your Senator and/or Representative (click here to find their contact information)
5) Interior

EMAILS: Please email President ObamaSally JewellDan Ashe and your Senator and Representative telling him or her the following:

I am extremely concerned that a process which is supposed to be driven be science - removing a species from the protections of the Endangered Species Act - has been contaminated by political meddling. First, an oil, gas and mining company has no business overseeing the scientific peer review. Second, the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team delayed its released of the 2015 annual report by several months and only produced the final report when pushed to do so by the public and media. Unfortunately, the final report omitted critically important information - statistics on population growth, mortality rate and more. Critics believe that this information was omitted because it does not support the agenda of removing grizzlies from the Endangered Species list. As if that were not sufficient, the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team, itself, is headed by a former Safari Club lobbyist and an avid hunter who strongly believes in managing predators. Finally, FOIA documents have revealed that the USFWS handpicked "independent" scientists for the peer review. It is clear that this plan is politically motivated and not in accordance with the best available science. Another document obtained through FOIA reveals that Director Dan Ashe felt the same way. This is not how the Endangered Species Act was meant to function. It is time to clean up the conflicts of interest and questionable decisions and follow the best available science. 


President Obama - 202-456-1111
Secretary Sally Jewell - 202-208-3100 
Director Dan Ashe - 202-208-4717