Thursday, May 17, 2018

Write a Letter to Celebrate Endangered Species Day

Celebrate Endangered Species Day by speaking up for the Yellowstone grizzly bears - saved from extinction by the Endangered Species Act. This population was removed from the protection of the Endangered Species Act less than one year ago. Already, Wyoming and Idaho have scheduled trophy hunts of this isolated population. Up to 13 female bears could by killed in Wyoming, endangering long term survivability.

Although these bears live within the states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, they belong to all of us. American taxpayers devoted tens of millions of dollars to saving the Yellowstone grizzly from extinction. We will be damned if a few trigger happy trophy hunters are going to take them away from us!

Please take ten minutes today - or this weekend - to write a personalized letter (We are told that Governor Mead writes back!) or email asking that the trophy hunt be called off.


Mailing address:
Governor Matt Mead
Idelman Mansion
2323 Carey Ave.Cheyenne, WY 82002-0010

Email: use THIS FORM

Please write in your own words. Ideas are below. If you are out of ideas, copy and paste:

I write to oppose Wyoming's plans for a trophy sport hunt of grizzly bears. I have visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. I visit primarily to view wildlife - especially grizzly bears! When I visited your state, I spent my tourism dollars at local businesses. I am so upset that Wyoming is not following Montana's lead and abstaining from a grizzly hunt. These majestic animals bring in millions of dollars to the tourism economy. They are important to wildlife watchers who, like me, come from all over the world to view them. Please re-think the planned hunt and cancel it! If not, I will make sure that the next time I visit the Yellowstone region, I stay in Montana. 


I strongly oppose a trophy sport hunt of Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears. Bears that leave the national park and are the pillars of a billion dollar a year tourism industry could be shot and killed. This would negatively impact the tourism industry and reflect very poorly on Wyoming. The state of Montana has opted to refrain from such a hunt to gain the trust of the public after de-listing of this iconic species. Please consider doing the same and canceling plans for a hunt. 


I write to oppose the trophy sport hunt of Yellowstone area grizzly bears. Wyoming's plan to all the killing of 24 of these bears is excessive. In particular, I am concerned that up to 14 females could be killed. There are no regulations on the sex of bears that could be killed outside of the DMA which is dangerous and could have a drastic impact on the population. Further, I find it abhorrent that the state would allow the baiting of bears. At a minimum, please eliminate the use of bait, which is unsportsmanlike and unethical. It is also dangerous and grizzlies fiercely protect their food and hikers that stumble across a bait station could be injured or worse. In addition, I ask you to intervene to create a buffer zone around the national parks and on the John D Rockefeller Memorial Parkway. These bears have no fear of humans, have learned to tolerate humans and are, in fact, celebrities. It is downright cruel to open them up to hunting after decades of coexistence. Moreover, what will this do to the tourism industry if popular park bears are killed. As a lover of Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears, I ask you to work to make these changes.


Mailing Address:
Governor Butch Otter
State Capitol
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720


Please write in your own words. Ideas are below. If you are out of ideas, copy and paste:

I strongly oppose a trophy sport hunt of a Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bear. Bears that leave the national park and are the pillars of a billion dollar a year tourism industry could be shot and killed. This would negatively impact the tourism industry and reflect very poorly on Idaho. The state of Montana has opted to refrain from such a hunt to gain the trust of the public after de-listing of this iconic species. Further, Idaho grizzly bears are important because they help connect the population of Yellowstone with northern Idaho and Montana. Finally, Idaho has taken no measures to ensure that the bear killed is a male. If a female is killed, this would violate the mortality limits set forth in the hunting agreement between the three states. There is a 50/50 chance that Idaho will violate this agreement due to its failure to take any meaningful steps to prevent a female from being killedPlease reconsider and cancel the hunt.