Friday, October 21, 2016

CALL TO ACTION: Relocate Grizzlies to Tribal Lands

In November 2015, Tribes offered an alternative plan to trophy hunting Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem ("GYE") grizzly bears. They presented this plan to USFWS Director Ashe, and Deputy Secretary of the Interior Mike Connor. Tribes proposed relocating grizzlies from the GYE to sovereign tribal nations with biologically suitable habitat.   This is a conceivable way for linkage zones to be secured between the existent genetically isolated populations.

Please support this idea by leaving Facebook comments, tweeting sending emails and making phone calls.

TWITTER: TweetSheet

FACEBOOK COMMENTS: Please leave a comment on an article on the following pages, asking that Yellowstone area grizzlies be relocated to tribal land instead of hunted. Where possible, share one of our graphics.

1) White House

3) Raul Grijalva

4) Interior
7)  ID Gov Butch Otter

EMAILS: Please email President ObamaSally JewellDan Ashe and your Senator and Representative telling him or her the following:

1) Instead of a hunting season, relocate "over capacity" grizzly bears to biologically suitable, tribal and treaty lands within their historic range. If the Yellowstone population actually does need to be managed - and there remains significant debate that it does - these bears should not be killed. Rather, they should be transplanted to sovereign tribal lands. Reintroducing grizzlies to tribal land would revitalize many tribal cultures, which hold the grizzly bear as sacred.

2) Relocating grizzly bears to sovereign tribal lands would provide economic benefit to the tribal nations. Several tribes are coming up with eco-tourism plans centered around the reintroduction of grizzly bears to their land.

3) Every tribe connected to the Yellowstone region opposes the delisting and hunting of Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly bears. The tribes object to trophy hunting of the grizzly bears on cultural and religious grounds, science, and economics. Please respect the tribes' and consult with them on the plan to delist and hunt grizzlies.

President Obama - 202-456-1111
Secretary Sally Jewell - 202-208-3100 
Director Dan Ashe - 202-208-4717 

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